Account Registration
You can create your account today through Saturday 21 February, 2026 7:24 PM, AEDT.
Judges and stewards may register now through Sunday 23 February, 2025 7:24 PM, AEDT.
Entry Registration
Entry registration is closed.
BJCP 2021 Judging Styles
If a style's name is hyperlinked, it has specific entry requirements. Select or tap on the name to view the subcategory's requirements.
Entry Acceptance Rules
Number of Bottles Required Per Entry: 1
» One bottle/can per entry (750ml preferred) - See special requirements for Voyager Malt Beer Category
» All entries must have labels attached (Labels can be printed directly from this website).
- We will be using the BJCP 2021 guidelines
- Brewers can enter up to two entries per category, but not two entries into the same style.
- Exception for the Voyager Malt Category where only 1 entry per brewer is allowed
- Entrants must nominate a designated Style.
A panel of at least two judges will judge the beers in each category. The completed scoresheets will be returned to the entrants.
You must be a resident of Victoria to enter.
Judging Sessions
Morning (189 Canterbury Rd Heathmont)
Saturday 22 February, 2025 10:00 AM, AEDT
Afternoon (189 Canterbury Rd Heathmont)
Saturday 22 February, 2025 1:00 PM, AEDT
Best of Show
Voyager Malt Comp
Voyager Craft Malt has generously donated grain for this year's competition. Entrants in this category will get 5 KG of Voyager undermodified pilsner malt to brew any beer they want. Beers will not be judged according to BJCP styles. Instead, a panel of judges will vote on their favourite in each round until an ultimate champion is found.
To enter, please register a beer under VUP1 Voyager Undermodifdied pilsner. You must register to receive your malt, but you can edit your beer name and description until the entry deadline.
To enter this part of the competition, you must submit 2 x 750ml bottles (or 3 x 500ml).
How do I get my grain?
Grain can be picked up after 9 November. This is some very fresh malt. Voyager is hand-delivering it for competition. We will contact you after you register to organise a pickup time, but if you do not hear from us, please email
The pickup location is in Heathmont, but if you are part of a Victoria homebrew club, we can arrange to drop off a club supply at a nominated location.
1) Why aren't styles specified?
Many beers do not strictly match a BJCP style. We wanted to test your creativity and allow people to brew anything they want for this part of the competition.
2) What can I brew?
You can brew anything you want! You must use all 5kg in your brew, but any additional malts, hops, and yeast are free game.
3) How do I enter?
The entry is the same as the other categories. Select VUP1 Voyager as the style and briefly describe the beer. You need to enter 2x750ml (or 3 x 500ml) bottles to ensure we have enough if you make it to the final rounds.
4) How are the beers going to be judged?
Beers will be sampled head-to-head by a panel of judges who will vote on which beer they prefer. It is single elimination. The winner of each matchup moves on to the next round. Once you lose a round, you are out of the comp.
5) Will I get feedback?
There will be no written feedback for this part of the competition. You will be able to see which beers you were judged against and which the judges preferred (all other categories will receive the standard BJCP scorecards)
6) What is undermodificed pilsner malt?
Description form Voyagers beersmith bmxs file
Delight in the rich history of brewing with our Traditional Under-Modified Pilsner Malt, a product that harks back to the golden era of brewing excellence, proudly holding the legacy of generations of maltsters who mastered the art of producing exceptional malt for the perfect Pilsner.
Crafted with precision and care, this malt exemplifies the cherished traditions of generations past, ensuring your brews are infused with a touch of nostalgia and an authentic taste that aficionados have cherished for centuries.
This malt is meticulously produced using carefully selected, premium-quality new world Riverina grown barley, ensuring a consistent and reliable brewing process. Its under-modification retains a greater portion of the grains original enzymes, and protein assisting enhanced mouthfeel, body and assisting with head retention and haze stability.
Complex yet delicate flavor profile. This malt delivers a light, honey-like sweetness that blends seamlessly with subtle biscuity undertones, culminating in a crisp and clean finish that is the hallmark of a true Pilsner
The awards ceremony will take place once judging is completed.
Places will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each category/table.
Additional prizes may be awarded to those winners present at the awards ceremony at the discretion of the competition organizers.
A complex, refreshing, pleasantly sour Belgian wheat beer blending a complementary fermented fruit character with a sour, funky Gueuze.
Entry Info: The type of fruit used MUST be specified. The brewer must declare a carbonation level (low, medium, high) and a sweetness level (low/none, medium, high).
Most often drier and fruitier than the base style suggests. Fruity or funky notes range from low to high, depending on the age of the beer and strains of Brett used. May possess a light non-lactic acidity. Intended for beer with or without oak aging that has been fermented with Sacch and Brett, or with Brett only.
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify either a Base Style, or provide a description of the ingredients, specs, or desired character. The entrant MAY specify the strains of Brett used.
A sour and funky version of a base style of beer. Intended for beer fermented with any combination of Sacch, Lacto, Pedio, and Brett (or additional yeast or bacteria), with or without oak aging (except if the beer fits instead in 28A or 28D).
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify a description of the beer, identifying yeast or bacteria used and either a Base Style, or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer.
An American Wild Ale with fruit, herbs, spices, or other Specialty-Type Ingredients. Intended for variations of a Base Style beer from style 28A, 28B, or 28D. These variations may include the addition of one or more Specialty-Type Ingredients; aging in non-traditional wood varieties that impart a significant and identifiable wood character (e.g., Spanish Cedar, Amburana); or aging in barrels previously containing another alcohol (e.g., spirits, wine, cider).
Entry Info: Entrant MUST specify any Specialty-Type Ingredient (e.g., fruit, spice, herb, or wood) used. Entrant MUST specify either a description of the beer, identifying yeast or bacteria used and either a Base Style, or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer. A general description of the special nature of the beer can cover all the required items.
A pleasant integration of fruit with beer, but still recognizable as beer. The fruit character should be evident but in balance with the beer, not so forward as to suggest an artificial product.
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the type(s) of fruit used. Entrant MUST specify a description of the beer, identifying either a Base Style or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer. A general description of the special nature of the beer can cover all the required items. Fruit Beers based on a Classic Style should be entered in this style, except Lambic
A tasteful union of fruit, spice, and beer, but still recognizable as beer. The fruit and spice character should each be evident but in balance with the beer, not so forward as to suggest an artificial product. Use the definitions of Fruit in the preamble to Category 29 and Spice in the preamble to Category 30; any combination of ingredients valid in Styles 29A and 30A are allowable in this category. For this style, the word
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the type of fruit, and the type of SHV used; individual SHV ingredients do not need to be specified if a well-known blend of spices is used (e.g., apple pie spice). Entrant MUST specify a description of the beer, either a Base Style or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer. A general description of the special nature of the beer can cover all the required items.
A appealing combination of fruit, sugar, and beer, but still recognizable as a beer. The fruit and sugar character should both be evident but in balance with the beer, not so forward as to suggest an artificial product. A Specialty Fruit Beer is a Fruit Beer with some additional ingredients, such as fermentable sugars (e.g., honey, brown sugar, invert sugar), sweeteners (e.g., lactose), adjuncts, alternative grains, or other special ingredients added, or some additional process applied. A Specialty Fruit Beer can use any style within the Fruit Beer category as a base style (currently, 29A, 29B, or 29D).
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the type of fruit used. The entrant MUST specify the type of additional ingredient (per the introduction) or special process employed. Entrant MUST specify a description of the beer, identifying either a Base Style or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer. A general description of the special nature of the beer can cover all the required items.
An appealing fusion of spices, herbs, or vegetables (SHVs) and beer, but still recognizable as beer. The SHV character should be evident but in balance with the beer, not so forward as to suggest an artificial product. Often called Spice Beer, regardless of whether spices, herbs, or vegetables are used.
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the type of spices, herbs, or vegetables used, but individual ingredients do not need to be specified if a well-known spice blend is used (e.g., apple pie spice, curry powder, chili powder). Entrant MUST specify a description of the beer, identifying either a Base Style or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer. A general description of the special nature of the beer can cover all the required items.
A malty, spiced beer that often has a moderately rich body and slightly warming finish suggesting a good accompaniment for the cool fall season, and often evocative of harvest or Thanksgiving traditions. Autumn Seasonal Beers are beers that suggest cool weather and the autumn harvest season, and may include pumpkins, gourds, or other squashes, and associated spices.
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the type of spices, herbs, or vegetables used; individual ingredients do not need to be specified if a well-known blend of spices is used (e.g., pumpkin pie spice). Entrant MUST specify a description of the beer, identifying either a Base Style or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer. A general description of the special nature of the beer can cover all the required items.
A stronger, darker, spiced beer that often has a rich body and warming finish suggesting a good accompaniment for the cold winter season. Winter Seasonal Beers are beers that suggest cold weather and the Christmas holiday season, and may include holiday spices, specialty sugars, and other products that are reminiscent of the festive season.
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the type of spices, sugars, fruits, or additional fermentables used; individual ingredients do not need to be specified if a well-known blend of spices is used (e.g., mulling spice). Entrant MUST specify a description of the beer, identifying either a Base Style or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer. A general description of the special nature of the beer can cover all the required items.
An appealing combination of spices, herbs, or vegetables (SHVs), sugars, and beer, but still recognizable as beer. The SHV and sugar character should both be evident but in balance with the beer, not so forward as to suggest an artificial product. A Specialty Spice Beer is a 30A Spice, Herb, or Vegetable (SHV) Beer with some additional ingredients, such as fermentable sugars (e.g., honey, brown sugar, invert sugar, maple syrup), sweeteners (e.g., lactose), adjuncts, alternative grains, or other special ingredients added, or some additional process applied. 30B Autumn and 30C Winter Seasonal Beers already allow additional ingredients, and should not be used as a base in this style.
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the type of SHVs used, but individual ingredients do not need to be specified if a well-known spice blend is used (e.g., apple pie spice, curry powder, chili powder). The entrant MUST specify the type of additional ingredient (per the introduction) or special process employed. Entrant MUST specify a description of the beer, identifying either a Base Style or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer. A general description of the special nature of the beer can cover all the required items.
A well-balanced fusion of the malt and hops of the base beer style with a pleasant and agreeable smoke character. Intended for smoked versions of Classic Style beers, except if the Classic Style beer has smoke as an inherent part of its definition (of course, that beer should be entered in its base style, such as Rauchbier).
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify a Base Style. The entrant MUST specify the type of wood or smoke if a varietal smoke character is noticeable.
A well-balanced fusion of the malt and hops of the base specialty beer style with a pleasant and agreeable smoke character. A Specialty Smoked Beer is either a smoked beer based on something other than a Classic Style (a Specialty-Type style, or a broad style family such as Porter rather than a specific style), OR any type of smoked beer with additional specialty ingredients (fruits, vegetables, spices) or processes employed that transform the beer into something more unique.
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the type of wood or smoke if a varietal smoke character is noticeable. The entrant MUST specify the additional ingredients or processes that make this a specialty smoked beer. Entrant MUST specify a description of the beer, identifying either a base style or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer. A general description of the special nature of the beer can cover all the required items.
A pleasant enhancement of the base beer style with the characteristics from aging in contact with wood. The best examples will be smooth, flavorful, well-balanced, and well-aged. This style is intended for beer aged in wood without added alcohol character from previous use of the barrel. Bourbon-barrel or other beers with an added alcohol character should be entered as 33B Specialty Wood-Aged Beer. This category should not be used for base styles where wood-aging is a fundamental requirement for the style (e.g., Flanders Red, Lambic). Beers made using either limited wood aging or products that only provide a subtle background character may be entered in the base beer style categories as long as the wood character isn
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the type of wood used and the toast or char level (if used). If an unusual varietal wood is used, the entrant MUST supply a brief description of the sensory aspects the wood adds to beer. Entrant MUST specify a description of the beer, identifying either a Base Style or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer. A general description of the special nature of the beer can cover all the required items.
An elevation of the base beer style with characteristics from aging in contact with wood, including alcoholic products previously in contact with the wood. The best examples will be smooth, flavorful, well-balanced, and well-aged. This style is intended for beer aged in wood with added alcohol character from previous use of the barrel. Bourbon-barrel or other similar beers should be entered here.
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the additional alcohol character, with information about the barrel if relevant to the finished flavor profile. If an unusual wood or ingredient has been used, the entrant MUST supply a brief description of the sensory aspects the ingredients add to the beer. Entrant MUST specify a description of the beer, identifying either a Base Style or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer. A general description of the special nature of the beer can cover all the required items.
Entry Info: Please provide a brief description of the beer you made using the Undermodified Pilsner malt. You can come back and edit this information after you have received your malt and brewed