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Beerfest 2025 Results

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Beerfest 2025

Thanks to all who participated in the Beerfest 2025.

There were 105 entries judged and 61 registered participants, judges, and stewards.

Best of Show Winners

Best of Show winner(s) have not been posted yet. Please check back later.

Champion Brewer (37 Participating Brewers)

1stChristopher Holmes2119.00 Melbourne Brewers [Australia]
2ndPeter Nicolouleas1207.00
3rdJo Skuse1014.00 THursty Brewers

Scores and tie-breakers have been applied in accordance with the scoring methodology. Numbers reflected are rounded to the hundredth place. Hover over or tap the question mark icon () for the actual calculated value.

Best Club (7 Participating Clubs)

1stMelbourne Brewers [Australia]32316.00
2ndMerri Mashers [Australia]1218.00
3rdThursty Brewers1116.00
4thBayside Brewers [Australia]0011.00

Scores and tie-breakers have been applied in accordance with the scoring methodology. Numbers reflected are rounded to the hundredth place. Hover over or tap the question mark icon () for the actual calculated value.

Winning Entries

Table 1: American Ale (18 entries)

1stJo SkuseColumbia SMaSH Pale18B: American Pale AleTHursty Brewers
2ndRichard BaileyBailey's Amber19A: American Amber AleMelbourne Brewers [Australia]
3rdSharif SlametHunt For The Wilder-Pale Ale18B: American Pale AleMerri Mashers [Australia]

Table 2: British Ales (15 entries)

1stPeter NicolouleasVictoria Best11B: Best Bitter
2ndPeter NicolouleasDocker's Ale13B: British Brown Ale
3rdNeil MilneNo Bovver11B: Best BitterBayside Brewers [Australia]

Table 3: Belgian Ales (15 entries)

1stChristopher HolmesTripel Down26C: Belgian TripelMelbourne Brewers [Australia]
2ndBrian MurrayFloat On26D: Belgian Dark Strong AleMerri Mashers [Australia]
3rdChristopher HolmesChris's Falling Down Water26D: Belgian Dark Strong AleMelbourne Brewers [Australia]

Table 4: Sour & Wild Ale (15 entries)

1stSean DawsonWittanomyces28A: Brett Beer Merri Mashers [Australia]
2ndChris SchwinghamerSour Red28B: Mixed Fermentation Sour Beer Merri Mashers [Australia]
3rdJohn KingstonFruit Lambic23F: Fruit Lambic

Table 5: Fruit & Spice Beer (13 entries)

1stTim McDonaldPassionfruit And Elderflower Gose29A: Fruit Beer
2ndChristopher HolmesCaffeinated Duck Lord30A: Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer Melbourne Brewers [Australia]
3rdIan BennettChristmas Ale30C: Winter Seasonal Beer Melbourne Brewers [Australia]

Table 6: Smoked & Wood Aged Beer (11 entries)

1stChristopher HolmesBarrel Aged Duck Lord33B: Specialty Wood-Aged Beer Melbourne Brewers [Australia]
2ndJeremy Skuse
Co-Brewer: Jo Skuse
Smokey Choccy Orange32A: Classic Style Smoked Beer Thursty Brewers
3rdJo SkuseWell Now...33B: Specialty Wood-Aged Beer THursty Brewers

Table 7: Voyager (18 entries)

1stPaul KerwinBlonde BombshellVUP1: Voyager Undermodified Pilsner Melbourne Brewers [Australia]
2ndPeter NicolouleasZithosVUP1: Voyager Undermodified Pilsner
3rdJohn VendelCold IPAVUP1: Voyager Undermodified Pilsner Melbourne Brewers [Australia]